doc. Ing. Nguyen Giang, PhD.
+421 41 513 5759
2011 - doc., Stavebná fakulta ŽU v Žiline, odbor Inžinierske konštrukcie a dopravné stavby
1993 - PhD., Stavebná fakulta VŠDS Žilina, odbor Teória a konštrukcie inžinierskych stavieb
1989 - Ing., Fakulta prevádzky a ekonomiky dopravy a spojov VŠDS Žilina, odbor Stavebná údržba a rekonštrukcia pozemných komunikácií
Profesijné záujmy
- laboratórne skúšky zemín
- násyp dopravných stavieb na neúnosnom podloží
- použitie geosyntetiky v stavebníctve
- Geomechanika
- Geomechanics (Erasmus)
- Mechanika zemín a zakladanie stavieb
- Programovanie 1 a 2
- Hydraulika a Hydrológia
- Zakladanie stavieb 1
- Inžinierska geológia 1
- Engineering geology 1 (Erasmus)

Veda a výskum
2024 |
Nguyen, Giang, Soňa Masarovičová, Filip Gago, and Joanna Grzybowska-Pietras. 2024. "Application of Direct Shear Test to Analysis of the Rate of Soil Improvement with Polyester Fibres" Applied Sciences 14, no. 11: 4601. |
2023 |
Influence of soil specimen preparation and test methods on soil organic matter content [Vplyv prípravy vzoriek a metódy skúšania na obsah organických látok zemín] / Giang Nguyen. In: Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering. - ISSN 2720-1252. - Roč.6, č.26 (2023), s. 57-65. Spôsob prístupu: |
2021 |
Application of innovative ropes from textile waste as an anti-erosion measure / Giang Nguyen, Joanna Grzybowska-Pietras and Jan Broda. In: Materials. - Bazilej : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2008. - [online]. - ISSN 1996-1944 (online). - Roč. 14, č. 5 (2021), s. [1-16] [online]. |
Hybrid OLS for uncertainties estimation in direct shear testing / C. Ungureanu ... [et al.]. In: Measurement : journal of the International Measurement Confederation. - London : Institute of Measurement and Control. - ISSN 0263-2241. - č. 185 (2021), s. [1-14] [print, online]. |
2020 |
Vybrané výsledky výskumu Katedry geotechniky Stavebnej fakulty Žilinskej univerzity v Žiline / Dana Sitányiová ... [et al.]. In: Geotechnika 2020 : sborník příspěvků 17. mezinárodní konference. Soláň, ČR, 17. - 18. 9. 2020 : sborník příspěvků 17. mezinárodní konference. Soláň, ČR, 17. - 18. 9. 2020 / [bez zostavovateľa]. - 1. vyd. - Ostrava : Katedra geotechniky a podzemního stavitelství, 2020. - [USB-key]. - ISBN 978-80-248-4440-4. - s. [1-9] [USB-key]. |
2019 |
Laboratory study of soil shear strength improvement with polyester fibres / Giang Nguyen. In: Fibres and textiles in Eastern Europe : an international magazine devoted to current problems of the textile industries in Central and Eastern Europe : an international magazine devoted to current problems of the textile industries in Central and Eastern Europe. - Łódź : Instytut Biopolimerów i Wlókien Chemicznych. - [print, online]. - ISSN 1230-3666. - Roč. 27, č. 2 (2019), s. 91-99 [print]. |
Comparison of spread foundation design in case of inhomogeneous subsoil / Giang Nguyen, Martina Holičková. In: World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2018) : proceedings : proceedings / Yilmaz Isik ... [et al.]. - 1 vyd. - Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2019. - 1200 s. [print, online] - (ISSN 1755-1315, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science : Earth and Environmental Science, 221. - ISSN 1755-1315). - ISBN 978-15-10882-68-3. - ISSN 1755-1307. - s. [1-10] [print, online]. |
Effectiveness of geotextile ropes in slope erosion protection / Giang Nguyen, Jan Broda, Joanna Grzybowska-Pietras. In: World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2018) : proceedings : proceedings / Yilmaz Isik ... [et al.]. - 1 vyd. - Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2019. - 1200 s. [print, online] - (ISSN 1755-1315, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science : Earth and Environmental Science, 221. - ISSN 1755-1315). - ISBN 978-15-10882-68-3. - ISSN 1755-1307. - s. [1-10] [print, online]. |
Geosyntetika 2019 = Conference on Geosynthetic Materials 2019 : Zborník príspevkov z 13. konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou : Proceedings of the 13th International Conference Geosyntetic / Filip Gago, Libor Ižvold, Marián Drusa. - 1. vyd. - Žilina : Vydavateľstvo EDIS, 2019. - 101 s. [CD-ROM]. - ISBN 978-80-554-1528-4 (online). |
Wykorzystanie odpadowych włókien syntetycznych i wełny do zastosowań w inżynierii lądowej / Joanna Grzybowska-Pietras, Anna Juzwa, Giang Nguyen. In: Przegląd Budowlany. - Varšava : Zarząd Główny Polskiego Związku Inżynierów i Techników Budownictwa, 1929. - [print]. - ISSN 0033-2038. - č. 10 (2019), s. 81-84 [print]. |
2018 |
Application of geotextile ropes in slope erosion protection / Giang Nguyen, Jan Broda, Joanna Grzybowska-Pietras. In: XXVII R-S-P Seminar, Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering (27RSP) (TFoCE 2018). - Londýn : Édition Diffusion Presse Sciences - (ISSN 2261-236X, MATEC Web of Conferences). - s. [1-8] [online]. |
Influence of soil specimen preparation on results of its organic matter content laboratory determination / Giang Nguyen. In: XXVII R-S-P Seminar, Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering (27RSP) (TFoCE 2018). - Londýn : Édition Diffusion Presse Sciences - (ISSN 2261-236X, MATEC Web of Conferences). - s. [1-8] [online]. |
Application of fibres for the stabilisation of steep slopes / Joanna Grzybowska-Pietras, Giang Nguyen, Stanisława Przybyło, Monika Rom, Jan Broda. In: SOLINA 2018 - VII conference SOLINA sustainable development: Architecture - Building construction - Environmental engineering and protection innovative energy-efficient technologies - Utilization of renewable energy sources / L. Lichołai, Božena Dębska, P. Miąsik. - 1. vyd. - Londýn : Édition Diffusion Presse Sciences, 2018. - [online] - (ISSN 2267-1242, E3S Web of Conferences, Vol. 49. - ISSN 2267-1242). - ISSN 2267-1242. - s. [1-8] [online]. |
Properties of meandrical geotextiles designed for the protection of soil against erosion / Joanna Grzybowska-Pietras, Giang Nguyen, Stanisława Przybyło, Monika Rom, Jan Broda. In: SOLINA 2018 - VII conference SOLINA sustainable development: Architecture - Building construction - Environmental engineering and protection innovative energy-efficient technologies - Utilization of renewable energy sources / L. Lichołai, Božena Dębska, P. Miąsik. - 1. vyd. - Londýn : Édition Diffusion Presse Sciences, 2018. - [online] - (ISSN 2267-1242, E3S Web of Conferences, Vol. 49. - ISSN 2267-1242). - ISSN 2267-1242. - s. [1-10] [online]. |
2017 |
Geosyntetika 2017 : zborník príspevkov z 11. konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou : 16.-17. Februára 2017 Žilina / zostavovateľ: Giang Nguyen. - 1. vyd. - Žilina : Žilinská univerzita, 2017. - CD-ROM, 132 s. - ISBN 978-80-554-1309-9. |
Sensitivity of spread foundation size on values of shear strength parameters of gravelly and sandy soils / Giang Nguyen. In: Inżynieria Morska i Geotechnika. - ISSN 0867-4299. - Rok. 38, nr. 3 (2017), s. 124-129. |
Designing spread foundation on inhomogeneous subsoil by various approaches / Giang Nguyen. In: Inżynieria Morska i Geotechnika. - ISSN 0867-4299. - Rok. 38, nr. 1 (2017), s. 26-32. |
Application of recycled fibres and geotextiles for the stabilisation of steep slopes / J. Broda ... [et al.]. In: IOP conference series: Earth and environmental science. - ISSN 1755-1307. - Vol. 254, iss. 19 (2017), art. no.192005, [6] s. |
2016 |
Differences in determination of bored pile compressive resistance in Slovakia and Poland / Giang Nguyen. In: Procedia Engineering. - ISSN 1877-7058. - Vol. 153 (2016), online, s. 513-518. |
2015 |
Analysis of chosen factors influencing stability of slide Okolicne / Giang Nguyen. In: Archiwum Gospodarki Odpadami i Ochrony Środowiska = Archives of Waste Management and Environmental Protection. - ISSN 1733-4381. - Vol. 17, nu. 1 (2015), online, s. 127-134. |
Determination of stress in spread foundation subsoil by various approaches / Giang Nguyen. In: Civil and environmental engineering : scientific technical journal. - ISSN 1336-5835. - Vol. 11, no. 1 (2015), s. 28-36. |
Uncertainties of shear strength parameters of soil reinforced by plastic waste / Nguyen Giang ... [et al.]. In: Applied mechanics and materials. - ISSN 1660-9336. - Vol. 744-746 (2015), s. 695-701. |
Effect of different values of soil shear strength parameters of the size of spread foundation / Lucia Orininová, Giang Nguyen. In: TRANSCOM 2015 : 11-th European conference of young researchers and scientists : Žilina, June 22-24, 2015, Slovak Republic. Section 7 : Civil engineering. - Žilina : University of Žilina, 2015. - ISBN 978-80-554-1049-4. - CD-ROM, s. 229-233. |
Sensibility of sandy soils shear strength parameters on a size of spread foundation / Giang Nguyen... [et al.]. In: Procedia earth and planetary science : world multidisciplinary earth sciences symposium, WMESS 2015. - ISSN 1878-5220. - Vol. 15 (2015), online, s. 304-308. |
Soil improvement using polyester fibres / Giang Nguyen, Eva Hrubešová, Adam Loltr. In: Procedia Engineering : XXIV R-S-P seminar : Theoretical foundation of civil engineering. - ISSN 1877-7058. - Vol. 111 (2015), online, s. 596-600. |
Consideration of specimens shear area changes during direct shear test of soils and its effects on a size of spread foundation / Giang Nguyen. In: SGEM 2015 : science and technologies in geology, exploration and mining : 15th international multidisciplinary scientific geoconference : conference proceedings. Vol. II : Hydrogeology, engineering geology and geotechnics. - Sofia : STEF92 Technology, 2015. - ISBN 978-619-7105-32-2. - S. 203-208. |
Sensibility of gravelly soils shear strength parameters on a size of spread foundation / Giang Nguyen. In: SGEM 2015 : science and technologies in geology, exploration and mining : 15th international multidisciplinary scientific geoconference : conference proceedings. Vol. II : Hydrogeology, engineering geology and geotechnics. - Sofia : STEF92 Technology, 2015. - ISBN 978-619-7105-32-2. - S. 627-632. |
Effect of different values of soils shear strength parameters on the size of spread foundation / Lucia Orininová, Giang Nguyen. In: Procedia Engineering : XXIV R-S-P seminar : Theoretical foundation of civil engineering. - ISSN 1877-7058. - Vol. 111 (2015), online, s. 612-618. |
Sensibility of silty soils shear strength parameters on a size of spread foundation / Giang Nguyen. In: Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Częstochowskiej - (Budownictwo). - ISSN 0860-7214. - Vol. 21 (2015), online, s. 234-240. |
2014 |
Differences in determination of geotechnical parameters in Slovakia and Poland / Giang Nguyen. In: SGEM 2014 : GeoConference on Science and technologies in geology, exploration and mining : 14th international multidisciplinary scientific conferences : conference proceedings. Vol. II. - Sofia : STEF92 Technology, 2014. - ISBN 978-619-7105-08-7. - S. 299-306. |
Highway damages in Vietnam due to geotechnical causes and technical solutions to avoid them / Giang Nguyen. In: SGEM 2014 : GeoConference on Science and technologies in geology, exploration and mining : 14th international multidisciplinary scientific conferences : conference proceedings. Vol. II. - Sofia : STEF92 Technology, 2014. - ISBN 978-619-7105-08-7. - S. 457-464. |
Differences in verification of spread foundation for serviceability limit states in Slovakia and Poland / Giang Nguyen. In: Procedia Engineering : XXIII R-S-P seminar : Theoretical foundation of civil engineering. - ISSN 1877-7058. - Vol. 91 (2014), online, s. 340-345. |
2013 |
Differences in designing spread foundation in Slovakia and Poland / Giang Nguyen. In: Theoretical foundation of civil engineering : XXII Slovak - Polish - Russian Seminar : Žilina, Slovak Republic, 09.09.2013 - 13.09.2013. - Moskva : Izdateľstvo ASV, 2013. - ISBN 978-5-93093-986-6. - S. 493-498. |
Designing spread foundation with an inclined eccentric load by various standards / Giang Nguyen. In: SGEM 2013 : GeoConference on science and technologies in geology, exploration and mining : 13th international multidisciplinary scientific geoconference : conference proceedings. Vol. II. - Sofia : STEF92 Technology, 2013. - ISBN 978-954-91818-8-3. - S. 79-86. |
Determination of an uncertainty of direct shear test results of soils / Giang Nguyen. In: SGEM 2013 : GeoConference on science and technologies in geology, exploration and mining : 13th international multidisciplinary scientific geoconference : conference proceedings. Vol. II. - Sofia : STEF92 Technology, 2013. - ISBN 978-954-91818-8-3. - S. 87-94. |
2012 |
Zmeny charakteristík šmykovej pevnosti asfaltového betónu vplyvom cyklického zaťaženia = Changes of shear resistance characteristics of asphalt concrete due to cyclic loading / Jozef Komačka, Jaroslav Hodas. In: Civil and environmental engineering = Stavebné a environmentálne inžinierstvo : scientific technical journal. - ISSN 1336-5835. - Vol. 8, No. 1 (2012), s. 57-62. |
An influence of different values of soils shear strength parameters on the size of spread foundation with an inclined eccentric load / Giang Nguyen. In: Theoretical foundation of civil engineering : XXI Russian - Slovak - Polish Seminar : Moscow - Arkhangelsk, 3.07-6.07.2012. - Warszawa : Politechnika Warszawska, 2012. - ISBN 978-83-7814-021-4. - S. 451-456. |
Inžinierska geológia / Marián Drusa ... [et al.]. - 1. vyd. - Žilina : Krupa Print Biz s.r.o., 2012. - 347 s. - ISBN 978-80-970248-5-7. |
2011 |
Evaluation of shear strength parameters from direct shear test and their influence on spread foundation design = Vyhodnotenie parametrov šmykovej pevnosti z krabicovej šmykovej skúšky a ich vplyv na návrh plošných základov / Giang Nguyen. In: Civil and environmental engineering = Stavebné a environmentálne inžinierstvo : scientific-technical journal. - ISSN 1336-5835. - Vol. 7, Iss. 1 (2011), s. 74-81. |
The analysis of factors influencing the values of sandy soils shear strength parameters obtained by direct shear test / Drusa Marian, Giang Nguyen. In: SGEM 2011 : 11th international multidisciplinary scientific geoconference : 20-25, June 2011, Bulgaria. Vol. 1. - Sofia : STEF92 Technology, 2011. - ISSN 1314-2704. - S. 607-614. |
The influence of various values of soils shear strength parameters obtained by direct shear test on the size of spread foundation / Giang Nguyen, Drusa Marian. In: SGEM 2011 : 11th international multidisciplinary scientific geoconference : 20-25, June 2011, Bulgaria. Vol. 1. - Sofia : STEF92 Technology, 2011. - ISSN 1314-2704. - S. 529-536. |
Designing spread foundation by Slovak technical standard STN 73 1001 and Eurocode 7 / Giang Nguyen. In: Theoretical foundation of civil engineering : XX Polish - Russian - Slovak seminar : Warszawa - Wrocław, 05.09.-10.09.2011. - Žilina : University of Žilina, 2011. - ISBN 978-80-970248-6-4. - S. 529-534. |
Analýza vybraných faktorov ovplyvňujúcich výsledky krabicovej šmykovej skúšky zemín / Giang Nguyen. - Žilina, 2011. - 118 s. |
2010 |
The determination of soil elastic modulus by incremental oedometer tests / Giang Nguyen. In: Theoretical foundation of civil engineering : XIX Slovak - Polish - Russian Seminar : Žilina, Slovakia, 12.09.2010 - 16.9.2010. - Moskva : Izdateľstvo ASV, 2010. - ISBN 978-5-93093-763-3. - S. 351-358. |
2009 |
The analysis of factors influencing the values of soil shear strength parameters obtained by direct shear test / Giang Nguyen. In: Studia geotechnica et mechanica. - ISSN 0137-6365. - Vol. 31, No. 1 (2009), p. 51-72. |
Určovanie modulu pružnosti jemnozrnných zemín stupňovitým zaťažením v oedometri = The determination of fine-grained soil elastic modulus by incremental oedometer test / Giang Nguyen. - Požiadavky na systém: CD-ROM mechanika. In: Zkoušení a jakost ve stavebnictví 2009 : konference 6.-7. října 2009, Fakulta stavební VUT v Brně : sborník recenzovaných příspěvků. - Brno : Vysoké učení technické, 2009. - ISBN 978-80-214-3951-1. - S. 265-273. |
Designing spread foundation by STN 73 1001 and STN EN 1997-1 = Navrhovanie plošných základov podľa STN 73 1001a STN EN 1997-1 / Giang Nguyen. In: Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering : XVIII Russian - Slovak - Polish Seminar : proceedings : Moscow-Arhangelsk, 1.07-5.07.2009. Section IV. - Warszawa : Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, 2009. - ISBN 83-908083-8-2. - P. 457-464. |
Diagnostika a posúdenie podláh a podložia prevádzkovej haly = Diagnostic and floor and soil assessment of the factory building / Ľubomír Hurajt, Ladislav Kapasný, Nguyen Giang. In: Znalectvo v odboroch Stavebníctvo a Podnikové hospodárstvo. - ISSN 1335-809X. - Roč. 14, č. 2-3 (2009), s. 68-77. |
Differences in determination of soil bearing capacity between Slovak technical standard STN 73 1001 and Eurocode 7 / Nguyen Giang. In: Proceedings of the 11th conference on science and technology : October 21-23, 2009. - Ho Chi Minh City : Vietnam National University, 2009. - S. 1296-1303. |
2008 |
The influence of shear area changing on the results of soils direct shear test / Giang Nguyen. In: Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering : XVII Polish - Russian - Slovak Seminar : proceedings : Warszawa, Wrocław : 02.06-06.06.2008. Part II. - Žilina : Žilinská univerzita, 2008. - ISBN 978-80-8070-855-9. - S. 317-322. |
Rozdiely v stanovení šmykovej pevnosti zemín v krabicovom prístroji podľa rôznych predpisov = The differences in the determination of soils shear strenght using direct shear test by various documents / Giang Nguyen. In: Geológia a životné prostredie : zborník vedeckých prác zo 6. slovenskej konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou : [Bratislava, Slovenská republika, 18.-19.9.2008]. - Bratislava : Štátny geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra, 2008. - ISBN 978-80-89343-06-5. - S. 81-85. |
Programovanie : návody na cvičenia / Giang Nguyen. - 1. vyd. - Žilina : Žilinská univerzita, 2008. - 97 s., AH 7,95, VH 8,33. - ISBN 978-80-8070-931-0. |
Determination of soils shear strength parameters using direct shear test by European, Polish and Slovak standards / Giang Nguyen. In: Reprocity : research and training on restoration and protection of the city environment in industrial region. - [Gliwice] : Silesian university of technology, 2008. - ISBN 978-83-919909-2-6. - P. 55-62. |
Soil mechanics - guidance for exercises = Geomechanika - návody na cvičenia : dvojjazyková publikácia anglicky - slovensky / Giang Nguyen. - [1. vyd.]. - Žilina : Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, Stavebná fakulta, 2008. - 2 x 90 s., 1 elektronický optický disk (CD-ROM). - ISBN 978-80-554-0069-3. - Požiadavky na systém: CD-ROM mechanika. |
2007 |
The influence of specimens number on the results of soilds direct shear test / Giang Nguyen. In: Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering : XVI Slovak - Polish - Russian seminar : proceedings : Žilina, Slovak Republic, 11.06.2007-15.06.2007. - Moscow : Moscow State University, 2007. - ISBN 5-7264-0428-9. - S. 293-298. |
2006 |
The differences in evaluation of soils consolidation rate from the test in oedometer by various standards = Rozdiely v hodnotení rýchlosti konsolidácie zemín zo skúšky v oedometri rôznymi normami / Nguyen Giang. In: Civil and Environmental Engineering = Stavebné a environmentálne inžinierstvo : scientific technical journal. - ISSN 1336-5835. - Vol. 2, No. 1 (2006), s. 46-52. |
The determination of soil shear strength parameters by ETC5-F2.97, PN-88/B-04481 and STN 72 1030 / Giang Nguyen. In: Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering : XV Russian - Slovak - Polish seminar : proceedings : Moscow-Rostov-on-Don, 4.09-7.09.2006. - Warszawa : Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, 2006. - ISBN 83-908083-7-4. - P. 285-296. |
Influence of the values of coefficient of consolidation on the cost of speeding up of soft soil consolidation / Giang Nguyen. In: Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Białostockiej. Budownictwo z.28 : XIV Krajowa Konferencja Mechaniki Gruntów i Fundamentowania. - [Białystok : Wydział Inžynierii Lądowej i Środowiska], 2006. - ISSN 1730-6752. - S. 411-419. |
The differences in determination of soil deformation characteristics between European Document, Polish and Slovak Standards / Joanna Bzówka, Giang Nguyen. In: Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Białostockiej. Budownictwo z.28 : XIV Krajowa Konferencja Mechaniki Gruntów i Fundamentowania. - [Białystok : Wydział Inžynierii Lądowej i Środowiska], 2006. - ISSN 1730-6752. - P. 45-57. |
2005 |
Návrh a posúdenie zakladania vystužného násypu na neúnosnom podloží podľa BS 8006-1995 / Martin Filo, Giang Nguyen. In: Geosyntetika v stavebníctve : 3. medzinárodná konferencia : Žilina, 3. - 4. februára 2005 / [autori: kolektív]. - V Žiline : Žilinská univerzita, 2005. - 144 s. - ISBN 80-8070-347-7. - S. 40-46. |
Analýza metód zakladania násypov na mäkkom podloží = Analysis of methods of embankment foundation on soft soils / Nguyen Giang, Soňa Bellanová. In: Civil and Environmental Engineering = Stavebné a environmentálne inžinierstvo : scientific technical journal. - ISSN 1336-5835. - Vol. 1., No. 1 (2005), s. 78-79. |
The designing of piled embankment with basal reinforcement by BS 8006 : 1995 / Giang Nguyen. In: XIV Polish-Russian-Slovak seminar "Theoretical foundation of Civil Engineering" : proceedings : Warszawa-Olsztyn, 30.05. - 02.06.2005 / [autori: koletív]. - 1st edit. - Žilina : Žilinská univerzita, 2005. - 404 s. - ISBN 80-8070-402-3. - S. 293-298. |
2004 |
Stress and compressibility calculation in subsoil of high embankments and effectivess of speeding up subsoil consolidation / Marián Drusa, Nguyen Giang. In: Komunikácie - vedecké listy Žilinskej univerzity = Communications - scientific letters of the University of Žilina. - Žilina : Žilinská univerzita v EDIS. - ISSN 1335-4205. - Vol. 6, Nr. 3 (2004), pp. 5-9. |
The effectiveness of methods speeding up embankment subsoil consolidation / Nguyen Giang, Marián Drusa. In: Teoretičeskije osnovy stroiteľstva = Theoretical foundation of civil engineering : XIII Slovacko-poľsko-rossijskij seminar, Žilina, Slovakija, 24-26.6.2004 : doklady. - Moskva : MGSU, 2004. - ISBN 5-7264-0306-1. - P. 255-260. |
2003 |
The temperature influence on the values of consolidation coefficient by STN 72 1027, BS 1377-5:1990 a ETC5-D1.97 / Nguyen Giang. In: Veda, vzdelávanie a spoločnosť = Science, Education and Society : 11. medzinárodná vedecká konferencia, Žilina, 17.-19. septembra 2003. Sekcia č. 1 : Inžinierske stavby / [autori: kolektív]. - 1. vyd. - Žilina : Žilinská univerzita, 2003. - 376 s. - ISBN 80-8070-116-4. - S. 19-22. |
Rozdiely medzi STN 72 1027 a BS 1377-5:1990 = The differences between STN 72 1027 and BS 1377-5:1990 / Giang Nguyen, Ružena Rybáriková, Soňa Masarovičová. In: Nové metódy v geotechnickom inžinierstve = New methods in geotechnical engineering : zborník 6. medzinárodnej geotechnickej konferencie : 23. a 24. jún 2003 Bratislava, Slovenská republika. - Bratislava : Slovenská technická univerzita, 2003. - ISBN 80-227-1890-4. - S. 201-206. |
Application of Eurocode 7 in the conditions of Slovak republic = Aplikovateľnosť Eurokódu 7 v podmienkach Slovenskej republiky / Nguyen Giang. In: Teoretyczne podstawy budownictva = Teoretičeskie osnovy stroiteľstva : referaty = doklady : Moskwa, Nižnij Novgorod 1-3.07.2003. - Warszawa : Wydział inžynierii Lądowej Politichniki Warszawskiej, 2003. - S. 263-270. |
2002 |
Some questions in designing of the reinforced soils walls using tensar geogrids / Marián Drusa, Giang Nguyen. In: Studies of University in Žilina. Civil engineering series. Volume 25. - ISBN 80-8070-022-2. |
The differences in laboratory determinations of soil oedometer modulus between European and Slovak technical / Giang Nguyen, Marián Drusa. In: Studies of University in Žilina. Civil engineering series. Volume 25. - ISBN 80-8070-022-2. |
Analýza porúch budovy ŽSR na Kasárenskom námestí v Košiciach a návrh sanácie / Ján Svrček, Milan Slivovský, Nguyen Giang. In: 7. vedecká konferencia s medzinárodnou účasťou pri príležitosti 25. výročia založenia SvF a 50. výročia založenia TU v Košiciach : 7. sekcia: Konštrukcie v architektúre, 22.-24. mája 2002 Košice. - Košice : TU-SvF, 2002. - ISBN 80-7099-819-9. - S. 61-66. |
2001 |
Geotechnický prieskum umelých objektov železničného spodku v koridore Trnava - Nové Mesto n/Váhom / Milan Slivovský, Giang Nguyen, Jelena Gombitová. In: STRAHOS 2001 : zborník prednášok 6. seminára traťového hospodárstva. - ISBN 80-7100-813-3. |
The enegineering geological investigation of bridges for the conditions of railway modernization / Giang Nguyen, Milan Slivovský. In: TRANSCOM 2001 : 4th European conference of young research and science worker in transport and telecommunications. - ISBN 80-7100-852-4. |
The soil shear strenght by Mohr - Coulomb and its aplication in the factor of safety evaluation in geotechnics / Nguyen Giang. In: 7th conference with international participation : section 1:Applied mechanics strenght of materials, machine parts : Târgu Jiu - Romania, November 9-10, 2001. - Târgu Jiu : Academica Brâncuşi, 2001. - ISBN 973-85342-1-6. - P. 237-242. |
Inžinierskogeologické podmienky základových pôd mostov železničného koridoru Trnava - Nové Mesto n/Váhom / Milan Slivovský, Giang Nguyen. In: Zakládání staveb : 29. konference, 5.-6.11. 2001, Brno : sborník příspěvků. - Brno : CERM, 2001. - ISBN 80-7204-217-3. - S. 23-27. |
1999 |
The rock-wedge stability and it's securing by anchoring / Giang Nguyen, Milan Slivovský. In: TRANSCOM '99 : 3rd European conference of young research and science workers in transport and telecommunications. - ISBN 80-7100-621-1. |
Hĺbkové odvodňovanie svahov a zosuvov = The depth draining of the slopes and landslides / Milan Slivovský, Daniel Jadroň, Nguyen Giang. In: Environmentálna geológia : 6.-7. 10. 1999 Herľany, Slovenská republika : zborník prednášok. - Košice : Technická univerzita a INHYGEO, 1999. - S. 33-38. |
1998 |
Some questions of slope draining by drain-drillholes / Milan Slivovský, Giang Nguyen, Daniel Jadroň. In: Communications on the edge of the millenniums : 10th international scientific conference. 1st section, Transport constructions. - ISBN 80-7100-516-9. |
K otázkam režimu podzemných vôd a hÍbkového odvodňovania zosunu v Okoličnom / Milan Slivovský, Daniel Jadroň, Giang Nguyen. In: Geológia a životné prostredie : zborník referátov z 1. konferencie. |
Analýza štruktúry, výpočtové modely a zabezpečenie stability skalnej steny odrezu cesty II/584 pri Hutách / Milan Slivovský, Marián Drusa, Giang Nguyen. In: 26. konference Zakládání staveb Brno 1998 : sborník příspěvků. |
1993 |
Niektoré úlohy riešenia stability skalných svahov a výrubov / Milan Slivovský - Giang Nguyen. In: Inžinierske stavby. - ISSN 1335-0846. - Roč. 41, č. 7-8 (1993), s. 262-266. |
Riešenie stability skalného svahu - klinové porušenie / Nguyen Giang, Milan Slivovský. In: 9. medzinárodná vedecká konferencia = The 9-th international scientific conference : 14.-16. september 1993 Žilina, Slovenská republika : zborník. 4/1. - Žilina : VŠDS, 1993. - ISBN 80-7100-148-1. - S. 247-251. |
1991 |
STN 73 0037 Earth pressure acting on structures. Preklad z: ČSN 73 0037 Zemní tlak na stavební konstrukce. - Praha : Vydavatelstvní norem, 1991. |
2024 |
VEGA 1/0775/24: Zvýšenie presnosti 3D dokumentácie trasologických stôp pre účely kriminalisticko-technickej a expertíznej činnosti. 2024 - 2026 |
2023 |
311000- Operačný program Integrovaná infraštruktúra: Aplikácia inovatívnych technológií zameraných na interakciu inžinierskych stavieb dopravnej infraštruktúry a geologického prostredia 6/2022 - 11/2023 |
2022 |
PLSK.03.01.00-00-0182/18: Moderné vzdelávanie o environmentálnych ohrozeniach ako predpoklad vytvorenia nových, špecializovaných pracovných miest. |
2019 |
OPVAI-VA/DP/2018/1.1.3-07 ITMS2014+313011T415: Progresívne systémy a technológie pre priemysel a infraštruktúru. |
2018 |
1/20/2017/CORNET: PROGEO 2- Geotextiles from sustainable raw materials and textile waste - new mobile production technology and new application fields in drainage and hydraulic engineering. Poľsko. |
2015 |
OPVaV-2011/2.2/01-PN ITMS 26220220183: Výskumné centrum Žilinskej univerzity v Žiline. |
2014 |
OPVaV-2009/2.2/05-SORO 26220220135: Centrum výskumu v doprave. |
2013 |
CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0013: Tvorba a internacionalizace špičkových vědeckých týmů a zvyšování jejich excelence na Fakultě stavební VŠB-TUO, Česká republika. |
OPVaV-2009/2.1/02-SORO 26220120031: Podpora výskumu a vývoja v centre excelentnosti pre dopravné staviteľstvo. |
2010 |
7203-0390/IP/ZILINA01: GEOTACO Intensive Programme – Advanced courses in Geotechnics. |
2008 |
VEGA 1/3331/06: Experimentálny výskum pevnostno-deformačných vlastností vystužených zemín. |
ESF SOP ĽZ – 2005/NP1-007, kód projektu 112 3010 0438: Študijné programy vysokoškolského vzdelávania pre európsky trh práce. |
2006 |
MTKD-CT-2004-509775: REPROCITY - Restoration and Protection of City Environment in Industrial Regions. Poľsko. |