Reliability of existing bridges from the viewpoint of new European standard

Head of the project: prof. Ing. Vičan Josef, CSc.

Research team: prof. Ing. Bujňák Ján, CSc., Ing. Gocál Jozef, PhD., Ing. Hlinka Richard, PhD., doc. Ing. Koteš Peter, PhD., doc. Ing. Odrobiňák Jaroslav, PhD., doc. Ing. Pitoňák Martin, PhD., Ing. Jošt Jozef, PhD., Ing. Kekeliak Miloš, Ing. Janík Peter.       

Duration: January 2012 – December 2014                   

New unified European standardisation implemented into the Slovak technical standardisation is only valid for the design of new building structures and bridges. For application in the case of existing structures is not prepared yet. The aim of the project is to create unified methodology of the existing bridge reliability verification and existing bridge complex evaluation based on the sophisticated methods of the engineering and mathematics theory of the reliability using the economic methods of verification of the expended financial costs efficiency. New methodology should be compatible with the unified European standardisation in the field of building structures and bridges and should respect reliability level and structural lifetime of building structures defined by Eurocodes.

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