Time dependent analysis of the long-term degradation factors influence to the concrete bridge reliability

Head of the project: prof. Ing. Moravčík Martin, PhD.

Research team: doc. Ing. Koteš Peter, PhD., Ing. Kotula Patrik, PhD., doc. Ing. Brodňan Miroslav, PhD., Ing. Bujňáková Petra, PhD., Ing. Potočníková Alena, PhD., Ing. Serdelová Katarína, Ing. Krkoška Lukáš   

Duration: January 2015 – December 2018                             

The need for a complex and effective approach to the concrete bridge evaluation is being highly topical at present because of the modern construction system, technology and materials used in the past or new bridges as well have been applied. Presented experimental and theoretical research will be based on the existing results and experiences of the concrete bridges monitoring observed from the construction phases to the service life. It is a complex of time dependent influences acting to the bridge during its service life. The long-term effects as service load, load history, the temperature and the rheology effects on the concrete bridges gradually erected with some changes of the structural scheme in time have been taking into account. In addition to the experimental measurements in-situ and in the laboratory condition the numerical models have been performed to the recorded outputs comparison. It can enable to predict the real bridge structural behavior and real residual reliability determination in time.

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