Accredited Ph.D. degree study programmes



Theory and Construction of Engineering Structures

Graduates are highly qualified experts in the study programme Theory and Construction of Engineering Structures with a main focus on the theory of design and analysis of engineering structures, transport and civil engineering structures and their components. They are able to creatively apply the principles of scientific research, propose new approaches and improve the existing methods of the theory of engineering structures. They master the progressive tools of design theory and technology of construction of engineering structures, as well as the methodology of their diagnostics and rehabilitation. The theoretical knowledge acquired in the course of the study can be applied in the experimental analysis of the behaviour of engineering structures and in their combination with model solutions and results of numerical simulations. Graduates of the doctoral degree study will find employment especially in research institutions, science parks, research centres as an independent or leading researchers, at universities in the development of science of engineering structures and transport structures or in corporate research and development. They are also employable in top managerial positions and in project teams of different nature. They can also work in investor organisations, construction companies, consulting and advisory companies. The content and structure of the study programme follows the study programmes of master´s (engineering) degree study at the Faculty of Civil Engineering UNIZA in the field of study Civil Engineering Structures. These correspond to the structure and scope of the subjects required by the Slovak Chamber of Civil Engineers to acquire a professional qualification to perform the position of an authorized (chartered) civil engineer. By completing the study programme and earning the third degree of higher education, graduates obtained a sufficient basis on which they can apply for the relevant authorization after completing appropriate practice.

List of Subjects in the study program


Theory and Construction of Building Structures

Graduates of the doctoral degree study are highly qualified experts in the study programme Theory and Construction of Building Structures with the main focus on the theory of design of architectural structures of buildings and their components with theoretically justified creation of progressive building envelopes and their details in accordance with world development trends. Graduates of the study programme, based on the acquired theoretical engineering knowledge, understood principles and mastered methods of the field are able to clearly formulate the scientific problem, subject and objective of research and development in the field of technology of architecture. They master scientific methods of research and development of architectural structures of buildings, technology and climate of built–architectural environment of buildings and their production-technological processes in conditions of economic efficiency. They are able to clearly formulate the contribution of research outputs to the development of science in the field of study and to the construction-architectural practice and are capable of independent scientific work. Graduates of the study programme acquired extended knowledge of mathematics and building physics. They deepened the already acquired knowledge in the field of the theory of preparation, design, construction and reconstruction of building structures. They expanded their knowledge in the field of the diagnostics and pathology of buildings, evaluation of energy performance of buildings, strategy for the restoration of buildings, as well as in the field of intelligent building technology and environmental science. The level of knowledge ensures their ability to solve problems of management of buildings on a scientific basis. They can scientifically analyse problems and bring their own solutions in the field of their qualification. Graduates of doctoral degree study are employable mainly in research institutions, science parks, research centres as an independent or senior researchers at universities, in the development of science and technology in architecture or in corporate research and development. They are also employable in top management positions, in project teams of different nature. They are qualified to work in investor organisations, construction companies and in consulting and advisory companies.

List of Subjects in the study program


Construction Management

Graduates are highly qualified experts in the field of civil engineering with a main focus on the theory of construction management. They master scientific methods of research and can creatively apply existing methods and theories in the field. They are able to apply the theoretical knowledge gained by studying the methodology of scientific work in the preparation and implementation of scientific experiment. They are able to carry out research activities with regard to the ethical and social aspects of scientific activities and their contribution to practice. They master progressive methods of mathematical-computer simulations on the basis of which they are able to optimise the system of design of construction technologies. Graduates are able to use the knowledge of diagnostics and probability theory to design the optimisation of maintenance, repairs and reconstructions of buildings. They are able to optimise technological processes in relation to the life cycle of buildings, their lifetime and environmental aspects. Graduates are able to apply their knowledge in order to increase the safety of operation of traffic structures. They are employable in investor organisations of state administration, regional self-government and municipalities, in construction companies, consulting and advisory companies, in research and in organizations dealing with administration of structures. They are employable in the field of investment preparation, preparation and construction of buildings, economic analysis and studies and asset management. Graduates can also be employed in the preparation and management of investment projects in building industry. They are competent to work in scientific and research institutions and universities. By completing the study programme and earning the third degree of higher education, graduates obtained a sufficient basis on which they can apply for the relevant authorization after completing appropriate practice.

List of Subjects in the study program


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