Subjects for engineering studies
As part of the specialization, students will master the skill of creating sophisticated engineering solutions to the full spectrum of challenges related to road transport and road infrastructure from project planning through design, construction, use, maintenance, reconstruction, and disposal. They will learn to use software tools for design, modelling and simulation, implementing advanced methods such as intelligent transport systems. At the same time, they will address new societal trends such as increasing urbanisation, sustainability requirements, energy savings and safety.
Winter semester
1st grade :
- Mechanika vozoviek - 4I0D106 - (aid for students)
- Transportation Engineering 2 - 4IIA107
- Mechanics of Pavements - 4IIA116
- Dopravné inžinierstvo 2 - 4IID107 - (aid for students)
- CAE - 4IID111 - (pomôcka pre študentov)
2nd grade :
- EIA - posudzovanie vplyvov na životné prostredie - 4I0D303 - (aid for students)
- Rekonštrukcia a údržba dopravných stavieb - 4I0D307 - (aid for students)
- EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment - 4IIA303
- Reconstruction and Maintenance of Transport Structures - 4IIA307
- Urban Engineering - 4IIA309
- Mestské inžinierstvo - 4IID309 - (aid for students)
Summer semester
1st grade :
- Teória modelovania - 4I0D214
- Plánovanie a modelovanie dopravnej infraštruktúry - 4I0D208 - (aid for students)
- Planning and Modeling of Traffic Infrastructure - 4IIA208
- Semestral Project of Urban Roads 1 - 4IIA211
- Urban Roads 1 - 4IIA212
- Theory of Modelling - 4IIA214
- Diagnostics of Road Constructions - 4IIA215
- Semestrálny projekt z mestských komunikácií 1 - 4IID211
- Mestské komunikácie 1 - 4IID212 - (aid for students)
- Diagnostika cestných komunikácií - 4IID215 - (aid for students)
2nd grade :
- Inteligentné dopravné systémy - 4I0D406 - (aid for students)
- Právo v stavebníctve 2 - 4I0D407 - (aid for students)
- Intelligent Transport Systems - 4IIA406
- Law of Civil Engineering 2 - 4IIA407
- Ekológia mestských sídiel a dopravný urbanizmus - 4IPD406