Head of the project: Ing. arch. Krušinský Peter, PhD.                     

Research team: RNDr. Holešová Michaela, PhD., Mgr. Pobočíková Ivana, PhD., RNDr. Capková Eva, PhD., Ing. Gocál Jozef, PhD., Ing. Pisca Peter, PhD., doc. Ing. Ponechal Radoslav, PhD.

Duration: January 2018 – December 2021                             

The present project builds upon the project completed in 2014 (analysis of historic truss structures from Slovakia), in which partial analysis of the fundamental concepts of the original method of designing schemes for historical trusses was obtained, with reference to the broader context. The project follows the geometric and static analyses of historical trusses in order to create the biggest possible statistical file. It will involve analyses of the largest historical trusses in Slovakia and abroad and a comparison of the results with the information obtained from contemporary literature and project documentation. It is important to focus on the attic as well, since, on the basis of partial results, we can say that the location of the ventilation openings is based on geometric and physical rules. From the acquired statistical data it will be possible to determine the extent of regional differences and the effects of various cultural influences on the typologic typological development of historical trusses.

Head of the project: prof. Ing. Bujňák Ján, CSc.

Research team: Ing. Hlinka Richard, PhD., Ing. Bahleda František, PhD., Ing. Bujňáková Petra, PhD., Ing. Jošt Jozef, PhD., Ing. Farbák Matúš, PhD.   

Duration: January 2018 – December 2020                             

Both concrete and steel -concrete prefabricated design systems are becoming increasingly popular. Mainly because of the production in the factory, ensuring sufficient quality control, higher efficiency and short construction time. At the same time, the time -dependent rheological effects are less. However, this is related to simple and suitable joints of structural elements, even in terms of life. When flying bridges by gradually joining segments by cables. In buildings, the anchors with heads, which are currently attractive due to compactness and high durability. Given the gap that has arisen between theoretical design and practical experience, as well as, until recently, lacking normalization, in some cases there is a significant conservative determination of the resistance of these anchors. Comparing numerical solutions with the results of experiments, in the project presented, will be developed more concise design procedures.

Head of the project: prof. Ing. Vičan Josef, CSc.

Research team: doc. Ing. Odrobiňák Jaroslav, PhD., Ing. Gocál Jozef, PhD., Ing. Kortiš Ján, PhD., Ing. Farbák Matúš, PhD., Ing. Chromčák Jakub, PhD.             

Duration: January 2018 – December 2020                             

The project deals with analysis of the resistance of arches of existing bow-string arch bridges, in terms of the limit state of member buckling. Both, the geometrically nonlinear elastic analysis (GNIA) with code-based equivalent geometric imperfections included, and geometrically and materially nonlinear analysis (GMNIA) with implemented measured geometric imperfections and structural imperfections will be applied within numerical global analyses, as well. To determine the real shape of arches with included geometric imperfections, modern methods will be applied using 3D laser scanning, in particular. Structural imperfections in the form of residual stresses will be taken into account by the stress states adopted from available research and completed by the calculations according to recommended methods. In addition to findings how the standard approaches are compatible with the real behaviour of structures, the impact of imperfections arisen during construction and operation of bridge will be also analysed.

Head of the project: doc. Ing. Koteš Peter, PhD.              

Research team: prof. Ing. Vičan Josef, CSc., Ing. Hlinka Richard, PhD., doc. Ing. Odrobiňák Jaroslav, PhD., doc. Ing. Brodňan Miroslav, PhD., Ing. Strieška Miroslav, Ing. Vavruš Martin, PhD., Ing. Jančula Miroslav, PhD       

Duration: January 2018 – December 2020                             

The degradation of building materials by chemical or physicochemical action of the surrounding environment is an increasingly serious problem not only in Slovakia. The atmosphere is mainly polluted by industrial activity, which causes an increase in their corrosive aggressiveness. Damage to structural materials due to degradation factors (eg. corrosion processes) causes considerable reconstruction costs. For example, corrosion of reinforcement or structural steel is a major problem long-time faced by construction engineers dealing to maintenance of existing transport infrastructure. Preventing possible corrosion or rehabilitation of corrosion after-effects becomes an important part of maintenance of bridges and structures. The project is focused on study of corrosion characteristics of reinforced concrete structures and bridges and creation of corrosion maps. The is-situ measurements on real structures and small specimens for measurements in test chamber (rapid tests) are proposed to be used in project.

Head of the project: prof. Ing. Moravčík Martin, PhD.

Research team: doc. Ing. Koteš Peter, PhD., Ing. Kotula Patrik, PhD., doc. Ing. Brodňan Miroslav, PhD., Ing. Bujňáková Petra, PhD., Ing. Potočníková Alena, PhD., Ing. Serdelová Katarína, Ing. Krkoška Lukáš   

Duration: January 2015 – December 2018                             

The need for a complex and effective approach to the concrete bridge evaluation is being highly topical at present because of the modern construction system, technology and materials used in the past or new bridges as well have been applied. Presented experimental and theoretical research will be based on the existing results and experiences of the concrete bridges monitoring observed from the construction phases to the service life. It is a complex of time dependent influences acting to the bridge during its service life. The long-term effects as service load, load history, the temperature and the rheology effects on the concrete bridges gradually erected with some changes of the structural scheme in time have been taking into account. In addition to the experimental measurements in-situ and in the laboratory condition the numerical models have been performed to the recorded outputs comparison. It can enable to predict the real bridge structural behavior and real residual reliability determination in time.

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