Profile of department

The Department of Railway Construction FCE-DRETM is the only department within the entire territory of the Slovak Republic that deals exactly with railway construction. As part of the pedagogical activity, the department currently guarantees 30 subjects at the Faculty of Civil Engineering for B.Sc. and Ing. studies in the study program Engineering structures and traffic structures, Construction, Technology and construction management and subjects for doctoral studies in the scientific field "Theory and construction of engineering structures".
The subjects of the study programs provided by the department are mostly guaranteed by professors, docents, exceptionally assistant professors with the scientific rank of PhD.
For the study program of railway construction, which belongs to the study program of engineering structures and transport structures, the department provides teaching of subjects focused on the design, reconstruction and maintenance of railway lines and stations, on the development of new technologies and production procedures, on theory and construction, diagnostics, construction technologies such as also subjects focused on economic aspects and railway infrastructure management, including the automation of railway engineering works. 

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© 2019 Katedra železničného staviteľstva a traťového hospodárstva, Stavebná fakulta, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina