Department cooperation with railway practice
As part of cooperation with practice, the department solves current problems of railway operation and cooperates on the development and application possibilities of new structural elements and materials of the railway top and bottom and on project activities related to the modernization and optimization of railway lines and stations.
In laboratory conditions and in the field, the department carries out determination of the deformation resistance of the subgrade structure using static and dynamic load tests, evaluation of the physical-mechanical properties of soils and granular materials intended for the construction of the earth body and subgrade, assessment of the properties of the materials of the track bed, the degree of its pollution and usability after recycling, sampling of material for ecological evaluation, their processing and final evaluation of the required subgrade material with a recommendation for its further use. The department also carries out consulting and advisory activities for companies and organizations in solving specific projects within its professional focus and organizes professional conferences and seminars (VRT-modernization of railway lines, STRAHOS, Geosynthetics in construction).
Monitoring of part of the section of the unconventional structure of the railway top and its transition areas on the modernized ŽSR line, Nové Mesto nad Váhom - Púchov, žkm 100,500 - 159,100, object 24-32-01 Nové Mesto nad Váhom - Trenčianske Bohuslavice (Turecký vrch tunnel area)
Normative activity (Directive for the meeting of the 5th commission of OSŽD, 4/2005, "Optimization of the elevation of the track in the arches of modernized lines with mixed traffic", TNŽ 736312 "Designing the structure of the subgrade", effective 8/2005),
STN 736360 "Geometrical position and track layout of normal gauge railway tracks."
STN 736359 "Platforms on railway tracks."
STN 736310 "Designing railway stations. Basic provisions."
Work in Expert groups for railway tops, switches and railway bottoms.
Doprastav is a modern construction company with more than half a century of history, which is able to offer construction of any kind. During its development, it developed into the largest, strongest and most stable construction company in Slovakia, the results of which are visible at every step in Slovakia.

Assignments Bc. theses and diploma theses, provision of documents, consultations and opponent assessments of diploma and final Bc. work.
REGIONAL DIRECTORATES (OR) are independent organizational units of the Railways of the Slovak Republic. They are responsible for entrusted assets, receivables and liabilities and follow the financial plan. They provide cross-sectional, service and technical activities for the entire ŽSR network. The main subject of OR's activity is to manage, organize and coordinate transport activities and create organizational prerequisites for fulfilling orders of railway infrastructure users.
VVÚŽ- Research and Development Institute of Railways Žilina
The main mission of VVÚŽ is the performance of measurement, monitoring and diagnostics for railway subsystems and their elements, as well as the performance of defectoscopy, metrology and UTZ revisions. In accordance with the railway development strategy, it coordinates and cooperates in activities within the framework of the creation and implementation of the technical and innovative development of railways and solves the tasks of applied research and development. It participates in the tasks arising for the railways from the legislation.
GJW Praha
Control static load tests on a layer of track gravel - pre-gravel on the ŽSR construction site, Completion of the Žilina-Teplička Establishment Station and the related railway infrastructure in the Žilina junction.

TSS GRADE- Poprad, Púchov,
Monitoring of the quality of geotechnical works on the construction of ŽSR, Modernization of the railway line Žilina – Košice, TÚ Liptovský Mikuláš - Poprad-Tatry (outside), 1st stage.
Monitoring the quality of geotechnical works on the ŽSR construction site, Modernization of the Púchov – Žilina line for speeds up to 160 km/h, I. stage – Púchov (outside) – Považská Teplá line section.
RAILTECH SLAVJANA s.r.o. Praha-premenovaný na PANDROL
RAILTECH SLAVJANA s.r.o. Praha-renamed to PANDROL
Consultations and finalization of the Slovak version of the technical delivery conditions for the Pandrol Fastclip flexible fastening components - clips, anchors, insulators, washers.
VALBEK spol.s.r.o
Realization of construction and technical survey and evaluation of the current state of the building "ŽSR, Žilina Teplička establishment station, 2nd building, 2nd stage". Part c: Landfill design and dynamic assessment.
SKANSKA a.s. Brno - ŽSR
Modernization of the railway line Bratislava Rača - Trnava, zst. Pezinok - SO 05-32-01 railway bottom - diagnostics of a selected part of the track (static load tests and determination of the basic physical and mechanical properties of soils from the locations of dug probes).
REMING Consult, a.s. Bratislava
REMING CONSULT a.s. is a project, engineering and consulting company. It offers its customers complex services in the preparation and management of transport infrastructure projects, civil, residential and administrative construction, engineering and industrial constructions.
REMING Consult, a.s.
The company PSKD - operation and construction of rail transport is an independent, non-profit and voluntary association of experts in the field of rail transport, namely from technical universities, from railway companies, from urban transport companies, from research, development and project organizations.
SÚTN - Office for Standardization, Metrology and Testing of the Slovak Republic
SÚTN - Office for Standardization, Metrology and Testing of the Slovak Republic
Technical commission TK 88 Railways and rolling stock - cooperation on comments and transfer of EN to the STN system.
Maintaining and improving public transport in rural areas against the background of demographic changes (population aging, migration to cities) is a big challenge. The goal of providing attractive public transport even in remote areas contrasts sharply with the need to reassess service efficiency and general interest in areas where the population is steadily declining. Especially for young people, the lack of adequate transport services is a key problem when they have to decide whether to stay or leave the countryside where they were born. Inadequate transport services have been identified as a contributing factor to the migration of young people from rural areas. It is necessary to change the approach to this problem and support transport services for young people. For this reason, the project supports and promotes public transport for young people through new measures and solutions.